Davis Jefferson
Davis, Jefferson (1808-1889), President of the Confederate States, which seceded in 1861 from the American Union. Born in Kentucky, he was educated at Transylvania College, and at West Point, where he graduated as lieutenant of dragoons in 1828. He was employed upon the frontier against the Indians. In 1835 he retired from the army and turned cotton-planter, and married the daughter of General (afterwards President) Taylor. In 1845 he was returned to Congress for Mississippi; and volunteering for the Mexican war, distinguished himself in the field of battle, and in 1847 he became a senator. He was a great advocate of State rights as against Federal prerogative. From 1853 to 1857 he was Secretary for War, after which he again became senator. As President of the seceding States (1861-65) he showed great organising power. He was the last to admit defeat, but, when Richmond fell in 1865 and all hopes were ended, he fled. Being accused of complicity in the murder of President Lincoln, he was arrested and imprisoned in Fort Monroe. After three years of captivity he was released, and retired into private life. He published in 1881 a History of the Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government.