Dar Fur
Dar-Fur, a country of Africa annexed by Egypt in 1875, in East Sudan, bounded by Kordofan on the east and Wadai on the west, and having an area of about 450,000 square miles. A ridge of mountains, called Marrah, crosses the district, the climate of which is intensely hot. It is traversed by numerous streams, in the neighbourhood of which the soil is fertile, but much of the land is desert. The rainy season in the autumn continues for 75 clays. Tobacco, rice, millet, maize, wheat, the tamarind, and date abound. Copper and iron are among its products, and an export trade is done in these minerals and ivory, feathers, and gums. The people, who are of Arab-negro race and Mohammedans, are rich in flocks, and at present own the supremacy of the Khalif Abdallah, successor to the Mahdi.