D'Orsay, Alfred Guillaume Gabriel (1801-1852), was a shining light of fashionable society of his day, and the Admirable Crichton- of the early part of the century. The son of General D'Orsay, he was a lieutenant in the Garde du Corps of Louis XVIII.. and in this capacity made the acquaintance of Lord and Lady Blessington. He much appreciated the lady's society, and accompanied the pair to Italy and elsewhere till 1827, when he married the Lady Harriet Gardiner, stepdaughter of Lady Blessington, the lady being 15 years old. In 1829 Lord Blessington died, and D'Orsay quitted his wife to live with Lady Blessington in London, where for 20 years the pair retained great social influence. D'Orsay was a friend of Louis Napoleon, and just before his death was appointed by the latter Director of Fine Arts in Paris.