Cuyp, a Dutch family which produced two painters. 1. Jacob Gerritse (1575-1649), generally called the Elder, was born at Dort. His chief works were portraits and groups and animal life. He was realistic in treatment and somewhat stiff. 2. Albert (1605-1691), son of the above, was also born at Dort, and was a thorough Netherlander in artistic taste. His landscapes are generally taken from the banks of the Meuse and Rhine, and he delighted in rivers and meadows with groups of horses and cattle, stables, men and women on horseback, barges, and the like, the steeples and towers of Dort being generally visible in the background. He was very successful with reflections in water, and there is a certain tinge in his pictures which has caused him to be described as "blond." He has also painted some imaginative subjects, e.g. Orpheus and the Beasts. His Riders with Boys and Herdsman is in the National Gallery, London. He has been described as delighting in summer, noon, and calm, rather than in winter, night, and storm.