Cutch, a native state of India, but under British protection, and situate in the Bombay government. It lies between long. 68° and 72° E., and lat. 22° and 25° N., and is bounded on the W. by an eastern branch of the Indus, on the S. by the Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Cutch, and on the N. and E. by the Runn of Cutch, which is a saltwater morass, hard and baked during the dry season, but forms a shallow lake during the monsoons. The interior abounds in hills, and from east to west runs an irregular mountain range, which is intersected with valleys which are sometimes fertile, but generally wild and barren and covered with jungle, and among them many petty chiefs have strongholds, from which they issue upon raiding expeditions similar to those which formerly took place upon the Scottish border or in the Highlands. The country is liable to earthquakes, and as the rains are uncertain there is often famine. The water supply is scanty in quantity and bad in quality. Grain, cotton, and tobacco are the most important productions, and coal and iron are found, but not much used. The Runn of Cutch contains 8,000 square miles, and varies in width from 5 to 80 miles. The wild ass abounds in the neighbourhood. In the hot season the temperature is from 100° to 105°, and in the wet season there is much marsh fever, while in April and May violent sand and dust storms prevail. The capital is Bhuj, which is inland and surrounded by hills, and the chief seaports are Mandava and Mundra. There are many streams, but few remarkable rivers. The natives are rather a handsome race, and are much addicted to opium.