Curling, a Scottish national game of great popularity played upon the ice. A rink of about 42 yards is marked upon the ice, and at each end there is a goal called a tee. with a circle of 17 feet in diameter inside of which any ball must be to count. Each player has a pair of curling-stones which vary from 35 to 50 lbs. in weight, and from 30 to 36 ins. in diameter, with a height of 4 or 4-1/2 inches, and fitted at the top with a curved handle for propulsion. The players may consist of any even number, and the object of each is to get his own ball as near as possible to the tee, to drive out an enemy's, or help on a friend's. At a certain distance from each end of the rink is marked a line called the hog score, and any ball falling short of this is out of play. The game is carried on also in the Scottish colonies of Canada. One of Hawley Smart's novels, Sunshine and Shade, has a lively description of the curling under the auspices of a Gallicised Highlander who wears the kilt, keeps up all old Scottish customs, but speaks French only.