Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Cuenca. 1. Capital of the province of Cuenca, in Ecuador, South America, department of Assuay, stands in a plain 8,640 feet above the sea level, 70 miles S.E. of Guayaquil. It contains a cathedral, university, and other important buildings. Its trade consists chiefly of hats, bark, cheese, confectionery, and agricultural products. 2. Capital of a province of the same name in Spain, contains a cathedral and numerous other ecclesiastical buildings. It is built on high ground between two mountains, at the foot of which flow the Jucar and Huecar. It is a walled town 84 miles S.E. of Madrid, with steep and winding streets. The district, 6,726 square miles in area, produces copper, silver, iron, coal, alum, honey, and timber.