Cruikshank, George, the son of an artist, was born in London in 1792, and began before manhood to draw and etch illustrations for children's books. In association with William Hone he produced a long series of political and social caricatures, marked by a certain sense of humour and much grotesque power. He illustrated Fielding, Smollett, Scott, Harrison Ainsworth, and many other authors, besides contributing thousands of drawings to current periodicals. The most characteristic specimens of his style are to be found in the original editions of Dickens's Oliver Twist, Nicholas Nickleby, and Sketches by Boz. Later in life he devoted his genius to the cause of temperance, and brought out the plates so well known as The Bottle, painting also in oils The Worship of Bacchus, which he presented to the nation. His personal character was almost as eccentric and as vigorous as his artistic creations. He died in 1878, and was buried in St. Paul's Cathedral.