Crotona, or Croton (mod. Cotrone), a city of Magna Graecia, founded by Achaeans in 710 B.C., at the mouth of the river AEsarus on the E. coast of Italy. Hercules being its tutelary god, Crotona cultivated athleticism, whilst the neighbouring city of Sybaris was sunk in luxurious sloth. Under the leadership of the famous Milo, the inhabitants attacked and utterly destroyed Sybaris (510 B.C.). After this the followers of Pythagoras obtained such a predominance in the existing oligarchy that a revolution ensued, and a democracy was established. A medical school, of which Alcmaeon was the chief ornament, grew up here at an early period. Though defeated by the Locrians and Rhegians, the Crotoniates maintained their independence, and remained neutral during the Athenian invasion of Sicily. Though occasionally subject to Syracuse, the city on the whole maintained its autonomy against aggressors until the second Punic war, when the shelter it afforded to Hannibal led to its ruin. The Byzantine emperors held it until it passed into the hands of the Normans. The famous temple of Lacinian Juno containing the Helen of Zeuxis was in its vicinity. The modern town is about a mile from the old site.