Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Crillon Louisdes Balbes
Crillon, Louis des Balbes de Berton de, came of Piedmontese family, and was born in 1541 at Murs in Provence. He won a name for undaunted courage under Henry II.. Francis II., Charles IX., Henry III., and Henry IV. He fought at Lepanto under John of Austria, accompanied Henry III., then the Duc d'Anjou, into Poland, and supported him against the League, but refused to countenance the St. Bartholomew Massacre. The title of Colonel-General of Infantry was invented for him. He was a great favourite with Henry IV.. who wrote to him from the battle-field - "Pends-toi, brave Crillon ! Nous avons combattu a Arques, et tu n'y etais pas." He died at Avignon in 1615.