Cresswell, The Right Hon. Sir Cresswell, torn at Blackheath in 1794, and educated at the Charterhouse and Cambridge, was called to the bar at the Middle Temple in 1819, and joined the northern circuit. With Mr. Bramwell he compiled a valuable series of reports, and in 1830 became Recorder of Hull, being returned as Conservative M.P. for Liverpool in 1837. Sir Robert Peel appointed him in 1842 a Justice of Common Pleas, and sixteen years later he was selected to preside over the newly-constituted Divorce Court. He filled this exceedingly arduous post with conspicuous ability and tact, and his decisions form a solid basis of law built upon new and dangerous ground. In 1863, whilst in the full exercise of his powers, he unhappily met with a carriage accident, which terminated fatally.