Craufurd, Robert, English general, was born 1764. He entered the army as ensign in 1779. In 1790-2 he served under Lord Cornwallis against Tippoo, and in 1797, being then colonel, was employed in the operations in Ireland. For a short time before 1805 he sat as M.P. for East Retford. In 1807 he was on General Whitelocke's staff during the ill-fated expedition to South America, and led the attack on Buenos Ayres. In the following year he commanded the light brigade of Sir David Baird's division in the Peninsula, and took part in Sir J. Moore's retreat on Corunna until December 31, when his brigade was ordered to embark at Vigo. In 1809 he was in command of the light brigade under Sir Arthur Wellesley [Wellington], and took part in the campaign against Massena, doing good service in all the battles of that period. Offering battle contrary to orders on the Coa, July, 1810, he gave Massena an excuse for claiming a victory. In 1811 he became major-general, and in January, 1812, was mortally wounded at the assault of Ciudad Rodrigo, dying a few days later. His reputation is that of the most brilliant light infantry commander of his time.