Cotton Sir Robert Bruce
Cotton, Sir Robert Bruce, baronet, antiquary, was born at Denton, Huntingdonshire, in 1570, and educated at Westminster School and Cambridge. Coming to London, he devoted his time to antiquarian research, collecting books, coins, etc., and rendering assistance to his friend Camden in the compilation of his work Britannia. Cotton House soon became a favourite resort for literary men, and as a member of the Antiquarian Society he made, about 1590, the acquaintance of Selden, Sir John Davies, and other scholars, and was created a baronet in 1611. His attachment to the popular party and certain of his publications, notably A Proposition for His Majesty's Service to Bridle the Impertinence of Parliament, ultimately were the cause of his imprisonment and the confiscation of his library. He died broken-hearted in 1631.