Coted Or
Cote d'Or, a department of E. France, forming part of the old province of Burgundy, having an area of 3,380 square miles. A chain of hills linking the Cevennes and Vosges mountains, and separating the basins of the Seine and Saone, traverse the department. The special Cote d'Or, renowned for its wines, lies S. of the capital Dijon. There is much forest and good pasture with fertile valley and plain. The department is drained by the upper Seine, with its tributaries, the Saone and the Arroux. It is connected with all the surrounding seas by a system of canals, the Burgundy Canal connecting Saone and Yonne. The climate is temperate, and the soil stony and rich. Among the minerals are coal, iron, gypsum, marble, and lithographic stone. There are several manufactures, and horses, cattle, and sheep are reared.