Corn, a general name for the fruit of the cereal grasses (q.v.). In England the term is used generally for wheat, but by horse-keepers for oats, and in the United States it means maize. In 1888 the quantity of wheat sold in the 187 chief market towns of England and Wales was nearly 2-1/2 million quarters, its price averaging 31s. 11d. per quarter. In the same year Britain imported 57-1/4 million cwt., besides nearly 17 million cwt. of wheat-flour. The total imports of grain and flour in that year were valued at 51-1/4 millions sterling, of which 16-1/4 millions came from Russia and 15-1/4 from the United States. In 1889 nearly 3 million quarters were sold in the market towns, and 58-1/2 million cwt. imported, besides over 14-1/2 million cwt. of wheat-flour, whilst the average price was 29s. 10d. per quarter. In 1890 the price averaged 31s. 11d. per quarter, and Britain imported nearly 60-1/2 million cwt. of wheat and 15-3/4 million cwt. of flour.