Copley, John Singleton, RA. (1737-1815), noted as a portrait and historical painter, and also as being the father of Lord Chancellor Lyndhurst. Born at Boston, U.S., of English parents, who had emigrated from Ireland, he took lessons from his stepfather, who was a portrait painter and engraver, and showed such talent that at the age of 18 he was commissioned to paint Washington's portrait. In 1766-67 he sent works for exhibition in England, and in 1774 he set out for Europe, where he made the acquaintance of Reynolds and other painters, and was appointed to paint portraits of the king and queen. He then went to Italy for two years of study, and on his return painted the historical works upon which his fame chiefly rests. Of these perhaps the most notable are The Death of Chatham and The Death of Major Pierson, both in the National Gallery, and engraved by Bartolozzi and Heath respectively. Others of his works are The Siege and Relief of Gibraltar, Surrender of Admiral de Windt. Charles I. Demanding the Surrender of the Fire Members, The Signing of Strafford's Death Warrant, and The Assassination of Buckingham.