Coote, General Sir Eyre, K.C.B., the son of an Irish clergyman, was born near Limerick in 1726, and entering the army early served against the Pretender in 1745. In 1754 he joined Olive in India, was promoted to the rank of colonel for his services at Plassy, and in 1760 was sent to the Carnatic, where he defeated Lally at Wandewash. He returned to England, received the thanks of Parliament and a diamond-hilted sword from the directors of the Company, and in 1769 was raised to the chief command in Madras. Quarrelling with the governor, he again came home and for several years held the governorship of Fort St. George. He went out once more in 1780 as commander-in-chief under Warren Hastings, and next year defeated Hyder Ali at Porto Novo. He then paid a visit to Calcutta, and was on his way back to Madras when his ship was chased by a Frenchman. The indignation at this misadventure brought on apoplexy, of which he died in 1783.