Cooper Sir Astley Paston
Cooper, Sir Astley Paston, Bart., was born at Brooke, Norfolk, in 1768, and after studying surgery under Clive and John Hunter, became demonstrator of anatomy at St. Thomas's Hospital (1787), professor at Surgeon's Hall (1792), surgeon to Guy's Hospital (1800), and professor of comparative anatomy at the College of Surgeons (1813). His skill as an operator, and his scientific knowledge, placed him at the head of his profession. In 1820 he treated George IV. with success and received a baronetcy, which descended to his nephew, as he had no children. He was elected president of the College of Surgeons in 1827, and was honoured with many other distinctions. His few published works deal with professional subjects. He died in 1841, and was buried in the chapel at Guy's Hospital; but a monument was erected to his memory in St. Paul's Cathedral.