Conway, or Aberconway, a port in Carnarvonshire, N. Wales, on the W. bank of the estuary of the river Conway, 12 miles S.E. of Bangor. It is an ancient Celtic settlement, and was fortified by Edward I. (1284), whose massive castle still stands on a rock commanding the river, and is connected with the old walls, a mile in circumference, that surround the town. Among other buildings of the Elizabethan period the town contains Plas Mawr, a fine house belonging to the Mostyn family. Telford's suspension bridge (1826) and Stephenson's tubular bridge (1848) are interesting specimens of engineering skill. The trade is inconsiderable, and the prosperity of the place depends chiefly on its attractions as a resort for holiday-makers. Conway was formerly one of the Carnarvon parliamentary boroughs, but in 1885 was thrown into the Carnarvon district.