Conti Princeof
Conti, Prince of, a title borne by the younger branch of the house of Bourbon-Conde since 1551, when the seigneurie of Conti or Conty, near Amiens, passed into possession of the family. Armand, Prince of Conti, was born in Paris in 1629, being the younger brother of the great Conde, with whom he was imprisoned for a time owing to participation in the intrigues of the Fronde. Mazarin subsequently released him, and gave him his niece as well as the governorship of Guienne and Catalonia. He was the author of several works on manners and morals, dying in 1666. Francis Louis, son of the preceding, was a distinguished soldier, and fought at Fleurus and Neerwinden. At the death of Sobieski (1697) he was elected king of Poland, but was ousted by Augustus II. He died in 1709. The last member of the family died at Barcelona in 1814.