Constanceor Kostnitz
Constance, or Kostnitz, a city of the Grand Duchy of Baden, capital of the circle that bears its name, stands on the S. bank of the Rhine at its exit from the Lake of Constance. It was probably founded in the third or fourth century A.D., and in the sixth century became the seat of the Bishop formerly established at Windisch. The old walls still mark the limits of the ancient settlement, but the houses now extend into the large suburbs of Bruhl, Kreuzlingen, Paradies, and Petershausen. Becoming an imperial city it rapidly rose in wealth and importance. The Gothic cathedral dates from the eleventh century, and many fine specimens of mediaeval architecture, such as St. Stephen's church, the Dominican convent, the public mart, and the town hall, still adorn its streets. Here sat the famous council (1414-1418) that sent John Huss and Jerome of Prague to the stake. Constance was annexed by Austria in 1549, and handed over to Baden in 1805, when the great bishopric was secularised. The city is in communication by railway with Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, and has factories for silk and cotton goods, and for watches.