Columbia College
Columbia College, New York City, was founded in 1751 under the naene of King's College by the Crown, on the model of a college at one of the English universities, already introduced at Harvard (q.v.) and Yale. The name was changed at the Revolution. It is now a university granting degrees under a charter from the State legislature, and is governed by a board of trustees elected by cooptation. It is not residential, but (like University College, London) provides instruction only, many students living at their own homes. It is one of the richest of American universities, having valuable landed estates in New York City. Important offshoots from it are the "School of Mines," an important technical school of applied science, and the School of Political Science, whose organ, the Political Science Quarterly, contains matter of much value. Anthon (q.v.) was for many years a professor, but it has since numbered scholars and scientific men of greater eminence on its staff, among them the authors of the Latin dictionary most esteemed in England at present.