Colorado, one of the United States of America, lying between lat. 37° and 41° N., and long. 102° and 109° W.. 380 miles long by 280 miles broad, with an area of about 106,500 sq. miles, having Wyoming and Nebraska on the N., New Mexico on the S., Kansas on the E., and Utah on the W. It takes its name from the Colorado, which drains the western part, while the eastern part is drained by the Arkansas, and the southern by the Rio Grande del Norte. The Rocky Mountains pass through the State from N. to S., the principal range being the Salwatch Range, which rises in Mount Harvard to 14,400 feet, and has an average height of over 13,000 feet. The Elk mountains diverge from this range about 30 miles in a S.W. direction. The displacement of strata makes the whole region one of much geological interest. There are immense fertile valleys interspersed among the heights, the largest of the four principal ones being San Luis Park, with an area of 9,400 sq. miles. These "parks" appear to have been lakes or inland seas. There are several lofty passes through the range, and railways are carried through some of them and give plenty of scope for engineering ability. The hot springs and dry air of Colorado make it a famous health resort. The mountains were formerly well-covered with forest, but reckless waste has now well-nigh denuded them. The lower lands are eminently fitted for agriculture wherever water is plentiful, and the flour of Colorado enjoys a great reputation, while the upland grasses produce an excellent fodder. The state is also noted for its abundance of flowers. The crops suffer from the attacks of the locust, and the potato from the attacks of the Colorado beetle. The Indian tribes had this district almost to themselves till the discovery of gold in 1858, when emigration set in, and in 1861 Colorado was organised as a territory, and it became a state in 1877. Emigration received a check during the Civil war, as well from that cause as from an Indian rising, but since then it has flowed on without intermission. Much gold is produced and more silver, and since the discovery of fairly good coal in the state smelting and steel founding have made great progress. There are petroleum wells in the state. The principal towns are Denver, Leadville, and Pueblo, the first of which is the capital.