Collingwood, Cuthbert, Baron, British naval officer, was born in 1750 at Newcastle-on-Tyne. He received some education at the grammar school of the town, but in 1761 was removed from it at the desire of his maternal uncle, Richard Brathwaite, who, being in that year made captain of the Shannon, 28, took the boy to sea with him. Collingwood served on shore at the battle of Bunker's Hill, and so much distinguished himself that on the very day of the action (June 17, 1775) he was promoted to be lieutenant. In 1776 he was appointed to the Hornet sloop and sent to Jamaica, where he moved into the Lowestoft, in which ship Nelson was also a lieutenant. Thenceforward, the two, who had previously known one another, became devoted friends. When Nelson was transferred to the Bristol, Collingwood succeeded him as first lieutenant of the Lowestoft; when Nelson was promoted to command the Badger, Collingwood took his place in the Bristol; and when Nelson, in 1779, was posted to the Hinchinbroke, Collingwood was made commander of the Badger. Finally, when Nelson left the Hinchinbroke for a larger ship, Collingwood was posted as his successor. In his next ship, the Pelican, he was in August, 1781, wrecked upon the Morant Keys. As no blame attached to him, he was soon afterwards appointed to the Samson, 64, in which he served until the proclamation of peace in 1783. During the early part of the peace he commanded the Mediator in the West Indies, where his friend Nelson commanded the Boreas at the same time. From 1786 to 1790 he was able to live at home in Northumberland, but in the latter year he was appointed to the Mermaid, 32, and again paid a visit - this time a brief one - to the West Indies. On his return he married Sarah Blackett, by whom he afterwards had two daughters. Upon the outbreak of the great war in 1793 he was appointed to the Prince, flagship of Rear-Admiral Bowyer, with whom he removed into the Barfleur and took part in the action of the Glorious First of June, 1794, when the ship lost 34 killed and wounded. Two months after the battle he removed to the Hector, 74, and afterwards to the Excellent, 74, in which he reaped much glory in the hard-fought battle of Cape St. Vincent on St. Valentine's Day, 1797. He remained with Lord St. Vincent's fleet till 1799, when he was promoted to flag rank. Upon the renewal of the war in 1803 he was employed in the Channel until, in May, 1805, he was detached with a squadron to reinforce the blockading fleet off Ferrol and Cadiz. In September, upon Nelson resuming command, Collingwood became his second, and on October 21, 1805, with his flag in the Royal Sovereign, he led one column into action off Cape Trafalgar. Collingwood, who had been made a vice-admiral in 1804, was rewarded with a barony, the thanks of both Houses, and a pension of £2,000 a year, and was confirmed to the chief command in the Mediterranean. There he remained until on March 7, 1810, his worn-out frame gave way, and he expired off Port Mahon. His body was brought home, and was buried, close to that of Nelson, in St. Paul's Cathedral.