Colet, John (1466-1519), a celebrated Dean of St. Paul's, and friend of Erasmus. Born in London, he was educated at St. Anthony's school, and at Magdalen College, Oxford, where he studied especially logic and philosophy. In 1493 he went to Paris and to Italy to perfect himself in Greek and Latin. He was ordained on his return to England in 1497, and in 1505 he was made first prebendary and then Dean of St. Paul's. He established a divinity lecture on three days in the week at St. Paul's, and in 1512 founded and endowed St. Paul's School, of which the Mercers' Company were made trustees, and William Lilly the first master. His views were so much in advance of those of his colleagues upon many points that he was looked on as little better than a heretic, and was so molested that he determined to retire, but died before doing so. Ho wrote a great number of works, chiefly on theological subjects, but among them were Letters to Erasmus, and Rudiments of Grammar.