Coining, the stamping of metal with certain marks, giving it an ascertained current value. It is in most states the prerogative of the sovereign who (as the arbiter of domestic commerce) gives the authority which makes the coin current. By a statute of the present reign (24 and 25 Vic., c. 99) it is made a felony to counterfeit coin, to colour or gild, so as to make a resemblance to gold or silver coin, to impair or lighten coin, to have in unlawful possession filings or chippings produced by impairing or lightening coin, to buy or sell, or import or utter counterfeit coin. There are numerous other provisions in the above Act for the suppression of the manufacturing, importing, and uttering counterfeit coin. By another Act, also of the present reign (the 33 and 34 Vic., c. 10), the laws relating to the coinage and Her Majesty's mint are consolidated and amended, and the standard of all coins is fixed, as specified in the first schedule.