Coimbra, a Portuguese city, capital of the province of Beira, situated on rising ground on the north bank of the Mondego, about 120 miles S.W. of Lisbon. The streets are steep, narrow, and dirty, and its chief products are earthenware and combs. It is of historical interest as being almost on the site of a Roman town, and was held by Goths and Moors successively, being finally taken from the latter by Fernando and the Cid in 1064. It was formerly the capital of Portugal. There are two cathedrals, a church of San Salvador, and a ruined convent. On the opposite side of the river is the Quinta das Lagrimas - or House of Tears - where Inez de Castro is said to have been murdered. Coimbra contains the only Portuguese university, removed from Lisbon in 1537, which has five faculties, with museum, observatory, botanic garden, and library.