Cockburn Henry
Cockburn, Henry (1779-1854), a Scottish judge, and man of letters, was born at Edinburgh, and educated at the High School and university of that town, and belonged to the debating society of which Scott, Brougham, and Jeffrey were members. He was called to the bar in 1800, and joined the Whig party, though all his surroundings were Tory. In 1830 - with the accession of Earl Grey to power - he became Solicitor-General for Scotland, and four years later took his seat in the Court of Session as Lord Cockburn. In 1837 he was appointed Lord of Justiciary. His style of eloquence was clear, pathetic, and simple, and he was renowned for his powers of conversation. He was a considerable writer. The Life of Lord Jeffrey (1852), and the Memorials of his Time (1856), display great literary ability. He also wrote several pamphlets, and was an important contributor to the Edinburgh Review.