Cochabamba, a city of Bolivia, capital of department and province, in lat. 17° 27' S., long. 64° 46' W., on the banks of the La Rocha, a sub-tributary of the Rio Grande, 122 miles N.W. of Sucre, at a height of 8,370 feet above sea level. The city, which is a bishop's see, was founded in 1565, and was called Orapesa. It has broad streets and its one-storeyed houses are surrounded by gardens. The industries are woollen and cotton manufactures, and the preparation of leather, and making of soap, glass ware and pottery. The population is mostly Indian. The province, which occupies extensive upland plains among the offshoots of the E. Cordilleras, is poor in metals, but has fertile valleys well fitted for agriculture and cattle-rearing. The climate is equable and healthy, but trade is hampered by want of roads.