Coach, a word derived by some from the Latin owing to its resemblance to a shell, and by others from a Hungarian word, used to denote a covered vehicle formerly used by the rich as a mode of conveyance, and then applied to public conveyances used for the transport of passengers or mails, or both. The hackney coach was a common feature of London life half a century or more ago. The name is sometimes applied to railway carriages, which were at first built so as to resemble as much as possible the lines of a coach-body. A reaction has widely set in of late, both in England and elsewhere, in favour of employing coaching as an agreeable mode of travelling during the summer months. It is not so very long ago that people of rank travelled from place to place in their own coaches, which were drawn by post-horses. The verb and substantive "coach," used in an educational or cramming sense, must be considered to come under the head of Slang (q.v.).