Clyde, one of the most important of Scottish rivers, third in point of size, but pre-eminent in commerce. Coming from several streams which rise at a height of several hundred feet above the level of the sea in the mountains that separate Dumfries, Lanark, and Peebles, and sometimes in flood-time bifurcating with the Tweed system, the Clyde passes by Lanark, Hamilton, and Glasgow, and falls into the Firth below Dumbarton. There are three celebrated falls on the Clyde, of which the most famous, Corra Linn, makes three leaps of 84 ft. in all over the rocks. Owing to the improvements made at Glasgow, vessels of the deepest draught can now go in, and the Clyde shipbuilding stands second to none. The Firth, which varies in width from one mile to nearly 40, and is 68 miles long, is one of the most important waterways of the world.