Club, by etymology, a clump or knot of men permanently united for any purpose, social, political, or other. The clubs of ancient Greece played an important part in the national politics, as they do also in modern times. The Carlton Club, the Reform Club, the National Liberal Club, in England, are well known, as are also the legion of social clubs which give to one part of London the nickname of "Clubland." The club, too, is a convenient method of promoting intercourse among the members of a profession, or those interested in any particular pursuit. The Travellers', the Oriental, the Athenamm, the Universities', the Services' Clubs are instances in point. Almost every amusement or pursuit of Englishmen is represented by its numerous clubs. Some consider the name to have been derived from the idea of clubbing or massing the expenses and dividing them equally among the members of the society, but this is doubtful, and at any rate is not of the essence of a club as now understood.