Clover, from their leaves being cloven into three leaflets, is the name specially applied to the species of the leguminous genus Trifolium, cultivated as fodder-plants, and to a few similar plants. Trifolium is distinguished by the stipules adhering to the leaf-stalk, the small flowers crowded in a head, and the short, straight pod. The chief cultivated species are T. incarnatum, carnation clover, with long heads of deep crimson or white flowers; T. pratense, broad-leaved clover, and T. medium, zigzag clover, so-called from its bent stems, with deep pink flowers; and T. repens, Dutch or white clover, the shamrock (q.v.) of Ireland, and T. hybridum, alsike or so-called "hybrid" clover, with white or pink-tinged flowers. There are several other wild species in England. Bokhara clover, Melilotus alba, is an allied plant yielding much honey and very aromatic hay, which is a native of Britain.