Cleves, a Prussian town, once the capital of the duchy of Cleves, but now a town in the government of Dusseldorf, and situate 46 miles N.W. of that town. It is built on the sides of three hills, and being as it is near the frontiers of Holland, it is almost Dutch in style. A canal connects it with the Rhine, from which it is two miles distant. In its 14th century church are some fine monuments to former dukes. The name is familiar to Englishmen, as giving her title to Anne of Cleves, one of the wives of Henry VIII., whose reception of her, though not complimentary, was more satisfactory in its results than the treatment most of his wives met with. There is a large park at Cleves, and a fine old castle of Schwanenburg, the birthplace of Anne of Cleves. The chief industries are the manufacture of cotton, linen, silk, tobacco, and woollens.