Cleveland. 1. A district of the North Riding of Yorkshire, between Whitby and the Tees, for the most part a wild hilly district, rising in the south to a height varying from thirteen to nineteen hundred feet, and intersected by fertile valleys. Charles II. gave the title of Duchess of Cleveland to Barbara Villiers, and her son became Duke. The title was bestowed in 1833 upon the Earl of Darlington, one of the Vane family; and in 1891 it again became extinct, by the death of the Duke of Cleveland, his heir taking only the Barony of Barnard. The discovery of ironstone has done much of late years to develop Cleveland.
2. A lake-port situated upon the S. shore of Lake Erie, and at the mouth of the Cuyahoga river in the United States of America. It is the second city of the State of Ohio, ranking next after Cincinnati, and is in lat. 41° 30' N. and long. 81° 47' W., 255 miles N.E. of Cincinnati, 183 S.W. of Buffalo, and 350 E. of Chicago. The city is upon a plain overlooking Lake Erie, and is cut in two by the stream and valley of the Cuyahoga, which is crossed by several bridges, among which are two viaducts, one 3,211 ft. in length and the other 3,931 ft. The river forms the inner harbour; and on the flats alongside are numerous factories, mills, coal-yards, timber-yards, and docks. The outer harbour is protected by a breakwater at a distance of half a mile from the shore, and having a length of two miles. The town is laid out in regular, wide streets, with plenty of trees, especially maple, which abound to such an extent as to have gained for Cleveland the name of "the Forest City." Among the public buildings - many of them imposing - are 150 churches, ten theatres, and eight colleges, besides seven hospitals and two large libraries, one of which is free. The climate is temperate, and there is a good water supply from Lake Eric. The public square, or Monumental Park, contains 10 acres, and from it a beautiful avenue, bearing the somewhat dry name of Euclid Avenue, leads east for 4-1/2 miles to Wade Park of 65 acres, with forest trees, lake, fountains, and deer park. In Lake View Cemetery is an imposing monument to President Garfield. By its lake traffic, which amounts to 3,000,000 tons, and by the Ohio canal, and its seven railway termini, Cleveland has become a very great mercantile centre, being the chief outlet for the iron ore, coal, limestone, and lumber in which the neighbourhood abounds. The industries of the city are many, the chief among them being iron and steel works of every description, including the building of steamships of considerable dimensions; and much petroleum is refined in the town.