Clausel, or Clauzel, Bertrand, was born at Mirepoix in 1772. His father was a supporter of the Revolution, and the son, entering the army in 1791, fought with distinction in the early campaigns, and in 1799 was a general of brigade. He ably assisted Napoleon in the Austrian campaign of 1809, and in 1810 received a command in Spain, He besieged Ciudad Rodrigo, and lost the hardly-contested battle of Salamanca, where he was severely wounded, but he conducted a masterly retreat of his army. In the Hundred Days he rejoined Napoleon, and was exiled on the restoration of the Bourbons. He passed several years in America, but in 1830 received the chief command in Algeria, being created marshal in 1831. Though not very successful in his policy, he was sent back to Algeria as governor in 1835. For his failure to take Constantine he was finally recalled two years later, and died in 1842.