Claudian, or Claudius Claudianus, was of Egyptian origin, and probably born at Alexandria about 365 A.D. "We know nothing of his parentage, education or early life, but he tells us that his first literary attempts were made in Greek, whilst his command of Latin makes one suppose that it was his native tongue. He came to Rome in 395, and made his debut with a panegyric on Olybrius and Probrius, the consuls. Between that date and 404 he produced his various complimentary poems to the Emperor Honorius, his epithalamium on the emperor's marriage with the daughter of Stilicho, his encomiums on Stilicho's victory over Alaric (De Bello Getico), and his consulship, together with the Hope of Proserpine, and the other works on which his fame rests. Through the patronage of Stilicho's wife Serena he is said to have made a wealthy marriage in Africa. He seems to have been living in 408, and in 415 or 416 he is supposed to have been dead. In him revived for a brief and final outburst the genius of classical poetry. His versification is tame and monotonous; his diction is now and then turbid and weak; his subjects are far from inspiring. Yet we can pass from Ovid, Catullus, or Propertius to Claudian without feeling absolute less of continuity, whilst here and there flashes of real feeling and great dignity are found in his works.