Clarke Henri Jacques Guillaume
Clarke, Henri Jacques Guillaume, Duc de Feltre and Count d'Hunebourg, was born at Landrecies in 1765, his family being of Irish origin. At the outbreak of the French Revolution he was a lieutenant-colonel in the army, but in 1793 was suspended on account of his noble birth. Carnot recalled him to the War Office, and he was employed in various foreign missions. In 1796 he was sent as a sort of spy over Bonaparte's movements in Italy, but became a firm friend of the future emperor. This led to the loss of his official rank, but he came back with Bonaparte on the eighteenth Brumaire and acted as his military secretary. He fought at Ulm and Jena, and in 1807 succeeded Berthier as minister of war, remaining in office till 1814. and receiving both his titles as a reward for his services. After the fall of Napoleon he went over to the Bourbons, and again returned to the War Office, being created a marshal. He died in 1818.