Civita Vecchia
Civita Vecchia (anc. Centum Celloe or Trajani Portus), a fortified port on the W. coast of Italy, giving its name to a province of which it is the chief town. Situated 40 miles N.W. of Rome, it affords almost the only safe anchorage on the coast, having a good harbour formed by two projecting moles and a breakwater, but no great amount of business is done. Wheat, alum, cheese, skins, staves, and bark, are the staple exports, whilst the imports consist of woven fabrics, salt and salted provisions, wine, and drugs. There is regular steam communication with most Italian ports, and consuls of various nations are established here. The town originally sprang up round a palace of Trajan, and it grew to some commercial importance. It was totally destroyed by the Saracens (812), and rebuilt under Pope Leo IV. The province has an area of 380 square miles.