Cincinnati, in the United States, is the largest city of Ohio, on the north bank of the Ohio river, which divides it from Kentucky, and is 270 miles from Chicago. Owing to the irregularity of its site Cincinnati presents a very picturesque appearance, and its suburbs are broken up by the hills into a series of villages and parks, of which Eden Park is the largest. The city, which has an area of 24 square miles, is well-built, and has some imposing public buildings, a university, several libraries, and a zoological garden. The woodcarving and decorative pottery of Cincinnati have a great reputation; and there is a considerable trade by the river and by the Miami and Erie Canal. There are extensive grain-elevators, stockyards, and slaughterhouses for the immense hog trade which has gained for the city the name of Porkopolis, an honour, however, which is now divided with other towns. Incorporated in 1819, it had the title of "Queen of the West," and was and is a great home of culture and art.