Cialdini, Enrico, an Italian soldier, born at Castelvetro in Modena in 1811. He studied medicine, but was forced to take refuge in France for taking part in the Revolution of 1831. After fighting in the Spanish service against the Carlists, he returned to take part in the Italian rising of 1848, and being wounded, fell into the hands of the Austrians. When released he was employed to raise a regiment of Sardinian volunteers, at whose head he fought in 1849. He commanded a division in the Crimean war; and in the war of 1859 he gained the victory of Palestro. In 1860 he gained a victory over the papal army, and took Gaeta and Messina in 1861. In 1862 he was obliged, in his capacity of Governor of Naples, to act against Garibaldi. In 1866 he occupied Venice, and in 1876 went as ambassador to France. He returned with the rank of general of the army in 1881.