Chrysostom, St. John (Gk. Chrusostomos, golden-mouthed), was born of an illustrious family at Antioch about 347 A.D. He was training for advocacy in the school of the sophist Libanius when the influence of his mother, Anthusa, led him to adopt a life of piety. After six years spent as a hermit in the wilderness his state of health compelled him to return to Antioch, where he was ordained (381), and speedily became so famous for his eloquence that on the death of Nectarius he was in 397 appointed Archbishop of Constantinople. His charity and piety won him the love of the populace, but a quarrel with Theophilus, Bishop of Alexandria, who was supported by the Empress Eudoxia, led to his banishment. To appease the people he had to be recalled, but his opposition to the erection of the Empress's statue almost within the precincts of St. Sophia again provoked his wrath. He was exiled to a convent at Cucasus on Mount Taurus, whence, as his influence still made itself powerfully felt in the capital, he was relegated to Pityus, near the Euxine, but died at Comana on the way (407). His remains were transported with great pomp to Constantinople by Theodosius, and are believed to have been carried thence to Rome. The Roman Church celebrates his feast on January 27, but November 13 is his day in the Greek calendar. His teaching tends to asceticism and now and then to mysticism, but breathes a spirit of broad charity. In his exposition of the Scriptures, to which he attached great weight, he is intelligent and practical. His homilies, liturgies, and other treatises are of value in themselves as illustrating the history of his times. Among the many editions of his works the finest is that brought out by Sir Henry Savile, Provost of Eton, in 1612 at a cost of £8,000, an enormous sum in those days.