Christiania, the capital of Norway, is a port situated at the extremity of the Christiania Fjord, at some 80 miles from the sea, in the province of Aggershuus. Behind it rises the wooded mountain of Egeberg. The modern town was founded by Christian IV. in 1624, on the site of the ancient capital, Oslo, now a mere suburb. The fortress of Akershus, the ramparts of which form a promenade, defends the harbour, where a brisk export trade is carried on in timber, pitch, hides, skins, oil-cake, salt fish, and iron, the imports being wheat, hardware, wines, and fancy goods. The chief public buildings are the royal palace, the legislative chambers or house of the Storthing, the university (1813), the cathedral (a cruciform edifice of brick), the museums, and the observatory. A curious institution is the large dining-hall or Dampkojkken. The botanical gardens are rich in Arctic flora. The streets are well built, and lighted with gas. There is railway communication with the chief inland towns, and with Sweden, and lines of steamers run to Lubeck, Hamburg, Amsterdam, London, Hull, etc. Among the principal manufactures are cotton fabrics, paper, soap, spirits, beer, and dressed timber.