Chota Nagpore
Chota Nagpore [Chutia Nagpur, Little Nagpore], a division or commissionership in the S.W. of Bengal, comprising the four districts of Hazaribagh, Lohardaga, Singbhum, and Maubhum, the seven tributary states of Chang Bukhar, Korea, Sirguja, Udaipur, Jashpur, Gangpur, and Bonai, and the two semi-independent states of Kharsawan and Saraikala. The total area is 43,020 square miles, and the population is mainly Hindu. In the Feudatory States there are many representatives of the primitive Kolarian race and of the early Gond settlers. The territory under British rule consists mainly of a great plateau 3,000 feet above sea level, and drained by the Sabaurika and its tributaries. The outlying districts are mountainous and covered with forests yielding valuable timber, and swarming with wild animals. The soil is fertile, producing wheat, barley, pulse, cotton, and sugar. Coal and iron exist, but have not been worked much owing to defective communications.