Chocolate, a kind of paste formed by crushing and rolling very fine with water the seeds of the Theobroma cacao. These seeds or nibs when simply crushed and pounded form what is commonly known as cocoa, and when mixed with sugar, vanilla, cinnamon, or other spices, as chocolate. It is much used, more in southern than in northern countries, and particularly in the Spanish peninsula, and in Italy. In the latter country it is combined with coffee to form mischiata. Besides being employed as a drink, chocolate is formed into an edible paste flavoured with different materials. Most people are acquainted with it in this form, or in that of creams and ices. Containing much nitrogenous matter it is a supporting food, and a good flesh-producer. It contains naturally about 50 per cent. of fat, which amount may be reduced in the process of manufacture to suit varying tastes and needs. An Italian compound consisting of chocolate, milk, and raw egg, is a rich food, and is called La Gloria. The substance, like its name, was introduced from Mexico.