Chichester, anciently Regnum, a city of England and capital of the county of Sussex, is situated between the Southdown Hills and the sea. Its leading features are the market cross, which stands at the intersection of the two main thoroughfares, and the cathedral. This dates from the twelfth century, and though not large, is an elegant and well-built structure. Its graceful spire, which reaches a height, of 300 feet, fell in 1861, and was rebuilt, in 1866. The city is enclosed by its ancient walls, which now form terraces and shady walks. It has twelve parish churches and various public buildings for the convenience of its trade, and other business. Among its educational establishments are a theological college, grammar school, blue-coat and other schools. Its trade is mainly in agricultural produce, and among its industries are wool-stapling, malting, brewing, and tanning. It is connected by means of a canal with the English Channel, which is distant between 2 and 3 miles to the S.W. Most interesting Roman remains have been found here.