Chester. 1. A city of England, capital of the county of Cheshire, situated on the Dee, 16 miles S.E. of Liverpool. It is the ancient Beva or Beva Castra, and stands on a rocky elevation enclosed in great part by massive walls, which, being seven or eight feet thick, make an agreeable promenade. The principal thoroughfares, which diverge to the cardinal points of the compass, still, remain as the Romans cut them out of the rock, and have their carriage ways several feet below the level of the adjacent houses. Over the shops for foot-passengers are piazzas or "rows," attained by flights of steps at convenient distances. There are also many sixteenth-century timber houses, and even the modern buildings are put up in the same style, thus giving the city an antique appearance. Its old and interesting cathedral was recently restored under the guidance of Sir Gilbert Scott, and the see of Chester dates from the time of Henry VIII. Among its other ecclesiastical buildings are St. John's church, a fine specimen of Saxon architecture, and Trinity church, in which are the tombs of the poet Parnell and Matthew Henry. Other noteworthy edifices are the town-hall, the post-office, the public library, and the music-hall. It is well supplied with railway facilities, and has an additional means of transit in the Dee. Amongst its industries are lead manufactures, boot and shoe making, chemical works, iron shipbuilding yards, and iron foundries. It is a county in itself, and returns one member to Parliament. It is rich in historical associations from the time of the Roenan occupation to the struggles between England and Wales. It also ardently espoused the cause of the king against the Parliamentarians in the seventeenth century, when the inhabitants were starved into surrender. 2. A city of the United States, in Delaware county, Pennsylvania, situated on the Delaware river, and is one of the oldest towns in the state. Founded by the Swedes in 1043, it was originally named Upland. It has extensive ship-building yards, and manufactures of cottons, woollens, etc.