Cherubini, Maria Luigi Carlo Zenobio Salvatore, composer, was born in 1760 at Florence. He was a pupil of the famous Sarti, whom he accompanied in 1779 to Milan, and became grounded in the old Italian contrapuntal style. Between 1780 and 1788 he composed eleven operas, amongst them being his Iphigenia in Aulis, for a while his masterpiece, and only superseded by his later production, Les deux Journees, known in England as The Water Carrier. In 1784 he came to London, settling in the following year in Paris, where he remained during the revolution, the consulate, and the empire, and again under the restoration. In Paris he held an appointment in connection with the National School of Music, which attained under his guidance a high standard of excellence. While Cherubini was a director of the Conservatoire, Berlioz was a pupil there. Besides the pieces mentioned. the only other of Cherubini's known to English audiences is the Medea. He died in 1842.