Cherbuliez, Abkaham, a prosperous Geneva bookseller, was the father of a distinguished family, of which the following were members. Andre, eldest son of the preceding, was born in 1795. Professor at the Geneva Academy, he wrote De Libro Job, and an Essai sur la Satire Latine. He died in 1874. Antoine Elesee, second son of Abraham, was born in 1797. Professor of political economy at Geneva, he afterwards distinguished himself by his opposition to Proudhon and the Socialists. He wrote De la Democratie en Suisse, Etudes sur les causes de la Misere, Precis de la Science Economique. He died in 1869. Joel, third son of Abraham, and his father's successor in the business, was born in 1806. He wrote a clever skit on Victor Hugo's views of capital punishment, Le Lendemain du dernier Jour d'un Condamne, and was editor of the Revue Critique. He died in 1870. Charles Victor, the son of Andre, was born in 1832 at Geneva. In 1864 he removed from Geneva, where he was a teacher, to Paris. Here he began to acquire a reputation as a novelist, and wrote on political questions to the various journals. His works are numerous, and among them may be mentioned Le Comte Kostia, Le Prince Vitale, Paul Mere, Le Romance d'une honnete femme, Le Grand OEuvre, L'aventure de Ladislas Bolski, Le Fiance de Mdlle. de St. Maur, L'Idee de Jean Teterol, Noirs et Rouges, La Femme du Choquard, Olivier Margaut, La Bete, etc.