Chemnitz Martin
Chemnitz, Martin, theologian, was born in 1522 at Treuenbrietzen, Brandenburg. He was very poor, and while a student had to leave his studies to work for food. At length, in 1550, he received the appointment of librarian to Duke Albert of Prussia at Konigsberg. In 1553 he had to leave in consequence of his antagonism to Osiander, and went to Wittenberg. Here he lectured on the Loci Communes of Melanchthon, the lectures being published under the title of Loci Theologi after his death. He then repaired to Brunswick, where he laboured as a preacher, and died in 1586. Among his works are Examen Consilii Tridentini, and Corpus Doctrinae Pritthenieum, the joint work of Chemnitz and Morlin, and subsequently the standard theological work of orthodox Lutheranism.